Open Source Recruiter

Employment Solutions

About Us

Why Choose Our Services?

OSR Jobs is our client's platform of choice due to our unique candidate experience. While many job boards abandon candidates to search for positions, OSRJobs uses a proprietary algorithm to efficiently and accurately supply candidates with relevant, high-quality jobs. We also offer coaching services and blogs to help candidates with resume formatting, interview answers, and more! Candidates are shown excellent opportunities and submit improved applications, allowing employers to consistently receive qualified and quality applications. When OSR prioritizes the candidate experience, everyone wins!

Our Process

Our process is designed to prioritize ease for the candidate. Use search filters to narrow down only positions relevant to you. Capitalize on our unique algorithm and have curated selections delivered directly to you every day. Read through our articles or work directly with a career coach to improve your resume, your interviewing, and your chances of landing the perfect position. No matter what is needed to complete your employment journey, OSRJobs is ready to help!

Our Commitment

Our commitment at OSR Jobs extends beyond job placement; we are dedicated to fostering a supportive community that empowers individuals to pursue their professional dreams and businesses to build dynamic, diverse teams for a brighter future.